For my first Mardi Gras in Louisiana, we, well, left Louisiana. Honestly Mardi Gras seems to be parades full of kind of raunchy floats and lots and lots of drunk people so I'm not sure if we missed out on much! William and I decided it was a perfect opportunity to go visit Grandma and Granddad Goff in Austin, Texas. You are probably noticing a trend here. If there is time, we go to Texas.
Lucky me, my house is almost right on the way to Austin! So we stopped for a very quick visit.
My poor Penny was in the cone of shame. You can see that is is very concerned about the fact that she looked like a petunia with four legs. She's all better and happy now though! I love that dog with all my heart.
When we got to Grandma's house, we went upstairs to put away our things and look what was waiting for us! We were secretly scheming and planning to find a way to nonchalantly ask Grandma to make us an LSU quilt, but we should have known she'd think of it first! It's beautiful and so warm, I practically carry it around the house with me at all times.
Of course the first thing on our list was to visit the Alamo. I love walking around and realizing what those men were willing to sacrifice for Texas. I am gosh darn proud, y'all!
Rudy's, of course. Ribs, sausage, brisket, bread, sauce. Amazing.
William drove me around all his old neighborhoods in Cedar Park. It was fun to see his old house and schools. He really loves that place!
Then we split this horrendous thing. I don't want to talk about it. Yes those are donuts. Please don't ask me anymore questions.
We took a trip to the Cathedral of Junk. It's amazing. Basically, it's a three story clubhouse in a local's backyard. Anyone can go hang out in it, he just collects donations. It was impressive and icky at the same time. There is an estimated 6 TONS of junk in there.
We spent a day in San Antonio where we ate at Chuy's, visited the San Antonio Temple, shopped at the mall and road on the Riverwalk. I love San Antonio, I think I want to live there someday!
William was extremely happy to have his favorite breakfast burritos on our way home the next morning. I was extremely happy to be stopping by my house again on the way home!
Thank you Grandma and Granddad Goff for having us! We sure love coming to Austin and can't wait to make it back soon. It is one of our favorite places on earth.
***Not pictured: a visit to the local elementary school (Granddad is on the school board) that made me exceptionally jealous, an amazing performance of Hello, Dolly! put on by the local high school, the most delicious burgers and shakes at Mighty Fine, Sunday dinner with lots of family, and lots of Blue Bell and hanging out with Grandma and Granddad.
Scooby says hi.
Briana! I didn't know you had a blog! I just started blogging and pretend I know what I'm doing. Come check it out!