Monday, April 22, 2013

Around these parts, we've been...

Ok, ok. So this post is basically a quick review of random happenings in the past two months. 
I know, I'm terrible and lazy. But it's full of pictures and fun so, enjoy!

Going to baseball games and being confused fans!

Hanging out with extremely good looking friends.

Getting AMAZING Texas Independence Day packages from Mom Stutz. 

ALMOST adopting kittens. I still miss her. 

Hanging out with the ONE AND ONLY, Haley Morris.

Being in Monroe and eating crawfish with the Morris family. Best crawfish all year.

Running, a lot.

Eating at Dat Dog, Cafe Du Monde, Sucre, and seeing amazing street performers in NOLA.

Taking a trip to our FAVORITE Cajun Meat Market. Just look at it!

"Pet sitting" Agnes and Cosmo. I LOVE THEM.

EATING PIZZA... and I guess learning fractions too.

Getting our royal portraits done. 

Seeing some amazing theater performances. World class.

And forgetting our homework. And giving Mrs. Morris the dirtiest looks of all time.
And making her laugh really hard at our anger.

Oh man, life is good.


  1. Love your blog.

    To answer your question via instagram--I did not do anything on photoshop. I'm not that talented. My husband did my header on indesign or something? and I did everything else on pic monkey!

  2. This is so cute Breanna! The pictures look like a lot of fun, and your students are darling! The royal portrait is my favorite!
    Miss you guys and I am happy to see that you are having fun in Louisiana!

  3. You are quite possibly the sweetest, funniest person. Our pets love you right back. And so do we!
